


[N.B. for editions of Shakespeare, the editor's name starts the bibliogrphical entry.]




                                      Complete Works of `Shakespeare'.


Heminge, J. & Condell, H., ed. Mr William Shakespeares

            Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies, (London, 1623)


Johnson, Samuel, ed. The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes

            with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators

            to which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens.

            The Second Edition, Revised and Augmented (London, 1778).


Pope, Alexander, ed., The Works of Shakespear in Six Volumes,

            Collated and Corrected by Mr Pope, (Jacob Tonson, London:



Rowe, N., ed., The Works of Mr William Shakespeare; in Eight    Volumes. Adorn'd with cutts. Revis'd and corrected, with

            an account of the life of the author, (Printed for Jacob

            Tonson [and others], 1714).


Theobald, Lewis, ed., The Works of Shakespeare in seven volumes,

            collated with the Old Copies; with notes, Explanatory, and Critical,

            (Printed for A. Bettesworth [and others], London, 1733).


Wells, Stanley, & Taylor, Gary, ed., William Shakespeare: The

            Complete Works, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986).




                              Single edition texts attributed to Shakespeare


M. William Shak-speare: His True Chronicle Historie of the life

            and death of King Lear and his three Daughters. With the

            unfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle

            of Gloster, and his sullen and assumed humour of Tom of

            Bedlam, [`Q1', 1608].

A Pleasant Conceited Historie, called The taming of a Shrew. As

            it was sundry times acted by the Right Honorable the

            Earle of Pembrook his servants. Printed at London by

            Peter Short and are to be sold by Cutbert Burbie, at his

            shop at the Royall Exchange. 1594.


David, Richard, ed., Love's Labours Lost [Arden Edition] (Methuen,

            London, 1951).


Furness, H. H., ed., King Lear (J.B. Lippincott & Co., London, 1880).


Furness, H. H., ed., Richard II (J.B. Lippincott & Co., London, 18xx)


Furness, H. H., ed., Romeo and Juliet (J.B. Lippincott & Co.,

            London, 1871).


Gibbons, Brian, ed., Romeo and Juliet [Arden Edition]

            (Methuen, London, 19xx).


Honigmann, E. A. J., ed., King John [Arden Edition] (Methuen,

            London, 19xx).


Kermode, Frank, ed., The Tempest [Arden Edition] (Methuen,

            London, 1954).


Leech, Clifford, ed., The Two Gentlemen of Verona, [Arden

            Edition] (Methuen, London, 1669).


Morris, Brian, ed., The Taming of the Shrew, [Arden Edition] (Methuen,

            London, 19xx).


Muir, Kenneth, ed., Macbeth, [Arden Edition] (Methuen, London:



Ure, Peter, ed., King Richard II, [Arden Edition] (Methuen,

            London, 1956).


Wilson, John Dover, ed., King Richard II, (Cambridge UP, 1968).




                                                General Bibliography


Butt, John, Pope's Taste in Shakespeare, (London, 1935)


Chaucer, G., ed., Robinson, F.N., The Complete Works, (Oxford UP,

            London, 1966)

Chaucer, ed., Speght, The Worked of our Antient and Learned English

            Poet, GEFFREY CHAUCER, newly printed, (London, 1598).


Dixon, Peter, `Pope's Shakespeare', JEGP 63 (London, 1964).


Middleton, Thomas, and Dekker, Thomas, ed. Gomme, Andor,

            The Roaring Girl, (Ernest Benn Ltd., London, 1976).


Greenblatt, Stephen, Shakespearean Negotiations, (Clarendon

            Press, Oxford, 1988).


Greg, W. W., The Shakespeare First Folio: Its Bibliographical

            and Textual History, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1955).


Greg, W. W., The Variants in the First Quarto of `King Lear',

            (Oxford UP, London, 1940).


Hart, J.A., Alexander Pope's Edition of Shakespeare: A Critical

            Study, (Yale Ph.D., 1943).


Honingmann, E.A.J., The Stability of Shakespeare's Text,

            (Edward Arnold, London, 1965).


Johnson, Samuel, ed. Greene, Donald, Samuel Johnson, [Oxford

            Authors series] (Oxford UP, Oxford, 1984).


Johnson, Samuel, ed. Smallwood, J.P., Johnson's Preface to

            Shakespeare, [facsimile of 1778 ed. with notes] (Bristol

            Classical Press, Bristol, 1985)


Jonson, Ben, ed., Donaldson, Ian, Ben Jonson, [Oxford Authors

            series] (Oxford UP, Oxford, 1985).


Lounsbury, T. R., The First Editors of Shakespeare. (London, 1906).


Mack, Maynard, Alexander Pope: A Life, (Yale UP, New Haven &

            London, 1985).


McKerrow, Ronald B., An Introduction to Bibliography for

            Literary Students, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1927).


Muir, Kenneth, `Samuel Harsnett and King Lear', RES (1951).


Pope, Alexander, The Dunciad, Variorum. With the Proglomena of

            Scriblerus., (Printed for A. Dod, London, 1729).


Pope, Alexander, ed. Butt, John, The Poems of Alexander Pope

            (Methuen, London, 1963).


Pope, Alexander, ed., Buckley, T. A., Pope's Homer's Iliad and

            Odyssey, [Albion edition] (Fredrick Warne & Co., London).


Pope, Alexander, ed., Wasserman, Earl R., Pope's Epistle to

            Bathurst A Critical Reading with An Edition of the

            Manuscripts, (John Jopkins Press, Baltimore, 1960).


Pound, Ezra, ed., Eliot, T. S., Literary Essays of Ezra Pound,

            (Faber & Faber, London, 1954).


Roberts, John, An Anser to Mr. Pope's Preface to Shakespeare

            (London, 1729).


Rosslyn, Felicity, Alexander Pope: a Literary Life, (Macmillan,

            London, 1990).


Seary, Peter, Lewis Theobald and the editing of Shakespeare,

            (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990).


Sherburn, George, The Early Career of Alexander Pope,

            (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1934).


Smith, David Nichol ed., Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century,

            (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1928).


Spence, Joseph, ed., Osborn, James M., Observations, Anecdotes,

            and Characters of Books and Men, (Clarendon Press,

            Oxford, 1966).


Tate, Nahum, ed. Black, James, The History of King Lear,

            (Edward Arnold, London, 1976).


Taylor, Gary, & Warren, Michael ed., The Division of the

            Kingdoms. (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983).


Theobald, Lewis, Shakespeare Restored (R. Francklin [and

            others], London, 1726).


Traversi, Derek, Shakespeare: from Richard II to Henry V,

            (Hollis & Carter, London, 1957).


Vickers, Brian, Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage, vol. 2.

            (London, 1974).