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Return to Wicken Fen

Windpump and Sky

Last year I made an autumn photo trip to Wicken Fen; and this morning decided, seeing the light, to have a repeat visit. It was more sombre today, but quite interesting in a muted way I think.

These are three-photo images tone-mapped from HDR with Photomatix.

Guardian of the Fens

At Wicken Fen

At Wicken Fen
Originally uploaded by alexbrn


It was the kind of light that came through the window, tapped you on the shoulder and said "you don't want to be stuck inside with your laptop - you want to be out taking photos".

So at lunch time I drove up to Wicken Fen (12 miles or so north of Cambridge) and got some pictures, principally of the windpump (must not call it a mill) there. The weather was extremely changeable, switching from blue sky to cloud and rain in minutes. But when the sun did shine, it was a lovely clear East Anglian light ...

This is an HDR image.